Monday, January 01, 2007


I'm tired. Physically, mentally and dare I say it, spiritually.

Does anyone have a remote cabin with no phone in it I can borrow for a couple weeks?

I seriously need to just get away from everything and be left the fuck alone for a couple weeks.

On a slightly happier note, Happy New Year everyone. Here's hoping this year doesn't suck quite as badly as the last.


misty harley said...

sssshhhh..not so loud! My head hurts! Hugs P....and if I had a cabin, I would offer it up to you!

(shout out in my blog, second one down)

Anonymous said...

i miss you!! get on aim.. or be on sl a bit more damnit.. u can call me from skype lol i'll elave my number for u there too :) anytime day or night :) ttyl.