Saturday, August 23, 2008

Can we get a break, please?

Last night, after Sunny left for work, I turned on the computer and checked my email.

First one that popped up was from my parents, and the first like was "Before I start, let me tell you both NOT TO WORRY!"

Great, the one thing guaranteed to make me worry.

Basically about a year ago my Mum got diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on her bowel. Luckily it was easily operable and after her operation and a course of chemo, she got the all clear.

She wrote to me yesterday to say that she'd been for a checkup, had a CT scan and they'd found a small lesion on her liver. They don't know what it is yet or if it's cancerous...but it's obviously a worry.

The only real bright side to this is that if it turns out to be cancerous, they've caught it really early again. She had blood tests a few months ago that also showed no signs of best case it just turns out to be something totally benign, and worst case she has another operation and series of chemo treatments. It's not like it's had time to grow and spread.

So as you can probably guess, I wasn't in the happiest of moods when I went to bed last night.

Then, I wake up this morning to find a note and a phone message from Sunny that her sister was in the hospital.

I won't talk about that here, because I don't know how she'd feel about me talking about it...but it's enough to say that could turn out to be serious as well.

Given that this coming Tuesday is both the day my Mum goes for more tests and it's the one-year anniversary of Clay's car accident, I'm sitting here thinking "What next?"

Over the past four years there have been three deaths in Sunny's family, my Mum got diagnosed with Cancer, Sunny had a breast cancer scare (which luckily turned out to be a false alarm), she also spent a week in hospital with a kidney infection so bad she nearly lost them...and now my Mum has a lesion on her liver, and my sister-in-law has been rushed to hospital.

I mean, isn' enough enough?

1 comment:

Sunny said...

My thoughts Exactly, my dear hubby.

Oh- a word of caution.... NEVER-EVER-EVER ask the question "What else can possibly happen....?""What Next?" or ANY other question along that line of thought.....

You don't want to know the answer- but you always get one and it's never a GOOD answer.