When your partner is sitting at the end of the couch, minding his own business and you decide to stretch out and put your head or feet on his have absolutely no right to complain when we 'disturb' you by moving or getting up for a drink, etc. When you enter another's personal space to increase your own comfort, they are allowed to make themselves comfortable also.
Also, you may not get mad when your sleep-deprived partner wakes you up in order to get you to stop snoring. Plus, when your partner has just spent the last hour listening to you sawing logs, insisting that you weren't snoring upon being woken up is the only time when a male is legally entitled to remove you bodily from the bed and lock you out of the house for the duration of the night.
That is all
Try it. I dare you.
Gotta side with Pauli on this one - there's nothing worse than someone snoring at the side of you when you're trying to sleep. I swear I could use it for an excuse to inflict bodily harm!
Yeah, well he snores as well and I don't bitch about it. I just try to get him to turn over. If he doesn't- i don't try and wake him up for snoring. Yeah, it drives me nuts as well, but if it bothers me I go to the couch instead of getting bent out of shape. It's something I'm willing to live with to be with him and don't see the point of making a big deal of it.
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