Friday, April 17, 2009

A terrifying thought…

I was sitting at the computer this morning and suddenly realized something…

Some people watch Fox News and take it seriously.


Anonymous said...

And what's wrong with FOX news?

Some people actually want to know about what's going on in their world....from ALL viewpoints- not just BBCs or NBCs or ABCs or CBSs.

I watch (and READ)a variety of things, depending on my mood. Don't you??

Paulius said...


What's wrong with Fox news?

How about they make shit up in order to scare the ignorant and gullible?

This is the news network that did a full 'expose' on how webcams give pedophiles 24/7 access to your kids.

If you, as an adult, aren't deeply offended by someone expecting you to buy that story, there's no hope for you.

Oh, and yes, I watch and read a variety of things, but Fox News isn't actually news.

Anonymous said...

I agree with that one....can't fault your reasoning on that one.

But adults should be intelligent enough to reason which stories are BS and which aren't.

I, personally, prefer CNN for my national news. But I also like the local stations to keep up with what's happening in my community.

One "news" program I especially despise is Nancy Grace. It's not news- It's sensationalism. I think you'll agree with me on that one.

Anonymous said...

Wow, and I guess you believe everything liberal NBC, CBS, ABC, etc tells you??

Paulius said...

No, because I'm not retarded.

Plus, it's not a politics thing, it's a 'totally made up sensationalist bullshit' thing.

I also find it fucking hilarious that liberals and conservatives blame the other for exactly the same things.